WOQL Class Reference Guide

WOQL Schema

This is the WOQL schema. It gives a complete specification of the syntax of the WOQL query language. This allows WOQL queries to be checked for syntactic correctness, helps to prevent errors and detect conflicts in merge of queries, and allows the storage and retrieval of queries so that queries can be associated with data products.

Authored by: Gavin Mendel-Gleason

Syntax is listed in alphabetical order.


Add a (terminal) edge with a data value.

Class: AddData

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
subject NodeValue A URI or variable which is the source or subject of the graph edge.
predicate NodeValue A URI or variable which is the edge-label or predicate of the graph edge.
object DataValue A datatype or variable which is the target or object of the graph edge.
graph xsd:string An optional graph (either 'instance' or 'schema')

Add an edge which links between nodes in the graph.

Class: AddLink

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
subject NodeValue A URI or variable which is the source or subject of the graph edge.
predicate NodeValue A URI or variable which is the edge-label or predicate of the graph edge.
object NodeValue A URI or variable which is the target or object of the graph edge.
graph xsd:string An optional graph (either 'instance' or 'schema')


Specify an edge to add to the graph.

Class: AddTriple

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
subject NodeValue A URI or variable which is the source or subject of the graph edge.
predicate NodeValue A URI or variable which is the edge-label or predicate of the graph edge.
object Value A URI, datatype or variable which is the target or object of the graph edge.
graph xsd:string An optional graph (either 'instance' or 'schema')


Specify an edge pattern with data value which was added in *this* commit*.

Class: AddedData

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
subject NodeValue A URI or variable which is the source or subject of the graph edge.
predicate NodeValue A URI or variable which is the edge-label or predicate of the graph edge.
object DataValue A datatype or variable which is the target or object of the graph edge.
graph xsd:string An optional graph (either 'instance' or 'schema')

Specify an edge pattern which links between nodes at *this* commit.

Class: AddedLink

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
subject NodeValue A URI or variable which is the source or subject of the graph edge.
predicate NodeValue A URI or variable which is the edge-label or predicate of the graph edge.
object NodeValue A URI or variable which is the target or object of the graph edge.
graph xsd:string An optional graph (either 'instance' or 'schema')


Specify an edge pattern which was *added* at *this commit*.

Class: AddedTriple

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
subject NodeValue A URI or variable which is the source or subject of the graph edge.
predicate NodeValue A URI or variable which is the edge-label or predicate of the graph edge.
object Value A URI, datatype or variable which is the target or object of the graph edge.
graph xsd:string An optional graph (either 'instance' or 'schema')


A conjunction of queries which must all have a solution.

Class: And

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
and Query List of queries which must hold.


An abstract class specifying the AST super-class of all arithemtic expressions. It is a subdocument

Class: ArithmeticExpression


A variable or node. It is a subdocument

Class: ArithmeticValue

Super class: ArithmeticExpression


Property Range Desc
data xsd:anySimpleType An xsd data type value.
variable xsd:string A variable.


Description pending.

Class: Column


Concatenate a list of strings.

Class: Concatenate

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
list DataValue The list to concatenate.
result DataValue The result string.


Counts the number of solutions of a query.

Class: Count

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
query Query The query from which to obtain the count.
count DataValue The count of the number of solutions.


Specify an edge pattern which is terminal, and provides a data value association.

Class: Data

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
subject NodeValue A URI or variable which is the source or subject of the graph edge.
predicate NodeValue A URI or variable which is the edge-label or predicate of the graph edge.
object DataValue A data type or variable which is the target or object of the graph edge.
graph xsd:string An optional graph (either 'instance' or 'schema')


A variable or node. It is a subdocument

Class: DataValue


Property Range Desc
data xsd:anySimpleType An xsd data type value.
variable xsd:string A variable.
list DataValue A list of datavalues


Delete a document from the graph.

Class: DeleteDocument

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
identifier NodeValue An identifier specifying the documentation location to delete.

Delete an edge linking nodes.

Class: DeleteLink

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
subject NodeValue A URI or variable which is the source or subject of the graph edge. The variable must be bound.
predicate NodeValue A URI or variable which is the edge-label or predicate of the graph edge. The variable must be bound.
object NodeValue A URI or variable which is the target or object of the graph edge. The variable must be bound.
graph xsd:string An optional graph (either 'instance' or 'schema')


Specify an edge pattern to remove from the graph.

Class: DeleteTriple

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
subject NodeValue A URI or variable which is the source or subject of the graph edge.
predicate NodeValue A URI or variable which is the edge-label or predicate of the graph edge.
object Value A URI, datatype or variable which is the target or object of the graph edge.
graph xsd:string An optional graph (either 'instance' or 'schema')

An edge pattern specifying a link beween nodes deleted *at this commit*.

Class: DeletedLink

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
subject NodeValue A URI or variable which is the source or subject of the graph edge.
predicate NodeValue A URI or variable which is the edge-label or predicate of the graph edge.
object NodeValue A URI or variable which is the target or object of the graph edge.
graph xsd:string An optional graph (either 'instance' or 'schema')


Specify an edge pattern which was *deleted* at *this commit*.

Class: DeletedTriple

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
subject NodeValue A URI or variable which is the source or subject of the graph edge.
predicate NodeValue A URI or variable which is the edge-label or predicate of the graph edge.
object Value A URI, datatype or variable which is the target or object of the graph edge.
graph xsd:string An optional graph (either 'instance' or 'schema')


Ensure variables listed result in distinct solutions.

Class: Distinct

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
variables xsd:string The variables which must be distinct from the query.
query Query The query which will be run prior to selection.


Integer divide two numbers.

Class: Div

Super class: ArithmeticExpression


Property Range Desc
left ArithmeticExpression First operand of div.
right ArithmeticExpression Second operand of div.


Divide two numbers.

Class: Divide

Super class: ArithmeticExpression


Property Range Desc
left ArithmeticExpression First operand of divide.
right ArithmeticExpression Second operand of divide.


Extract the value of a key in a bound document.

Class: Dot

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
star undefined A path patterns.


True whenever 'left' is the same as 'right'. Performs unification.

Class: Equals

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
child undefined A URI, data value or variable.
parent undefined A URI, data value or variable.


Evaluate an arithmetic expression to obtain a result.

Class: Eval

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
expression ArithmeticExpression The expression to be evaluated.
result ArithmeticValue The numeric result.


Exponentiate a number.

Class: Exp

Super class: ArithmeticExpression


Property Range Desc
left ArithmeticExpression The base.
right ArithmeticExpression The exponent.


Find the integral part of a number.

Class: Floor

Super class: ArithmeticExpression


Property Range Desc
argument ArithmeticExpression The number to floor.


Description pending.

Class: FormatType


Change the default read graph (between instance/schema).

Class: From

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
query Query The subquery with a new default graph.
graph_filter xsd:string The graph filter: 'schema' or 'instance' or '*'.


Description pending.

Class: Get

Super class: Query


Predicate determining if one thing is greater than another according to natural ordering.

Class: Greater

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
left DataValue The greater element.
right DataValue The lesser element.


Group a query into a list with each element of the list specified by 'template' using a given variable set for the group.

Class: GroupBy

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
template xsd:string The template of elements in the result list.
group_by xsd:string The variables which should be grouped into like solutions.
query Query The subquery providing the solutions for the grouping.
grouped Value The final list of templated solutions.


Generates a key identical to those generated automatically by 'HashKey' specifications.

Class: HashKey

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
base DataValue The URI base to the left of the key.
key_list DataValue List of data elements required to generate the key.
uri NodeValue The resulting URI.


A conditional which runs the then clause for every success from the test clause, otherwise runs the else clause.

Class: If

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
test Query A query which will provide bindings for the then clause.
then Query A query which will run for every solution of test with associated bindings.
else Query A query which runs whenever test fails.


Attempts to perform all side-effecting operations immediately. Can have strange non-backtracking effects but can also increase performance. Use at your own risk.

Class: Immediately

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
query Query The query from which to obtain the side-effects.


Description pending.

Class: Indicator


Change the default write graph (between instance/schema).

Class: Into

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
query Query The subquery with a new default write graph.
graph xsd:string The graph filter: schema or instance.


A predicate to traverse *backwards*.

Class: InversePathPredicate

Super class: PathPattern


Property Range Desc
predicate xsd:string The predicate to use in reverse direction in the pattern traversal.


Test (or generate) the type of an element.

Class: IsA

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
element NodeValue The element to test.
type NodeValue The type of the element.


Join a list of strings using 'separator'.

Class: Join

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
list DataValue The list to concatenate.
separator DataValue The separator between each joined string
result DataValue The result string.


The length of a list.

Class: Length

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
list DataValue The list of which to find the length.
length DataValue The length of the list.


Predicate determining if one thing is less than another according to natural ordering.

Class: Less

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
left DataValue The lesser element.
right DataValue The greater element.


Generates a key identical to those generated automatically by 'LexicalKey' specifications.

Class: LexicalKey

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
base DataValue The URI base to the left of the key.
key_list DataValue List of data elements required to generate the key.
uri NodeValue The resulting URI.


Distance between strings, similar to a Levenstein distance.

Class: Like

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
left DataValue The first string.
right DataValue The second string.
similarity DataValue Number between -1 and 1 which gives a scale for similarity.


Limit a query to a particular maximum number of solutions specified by 'limit'. Can be used with start to perform paging.

Class: Limit

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
query Query The query to perform.
limit xsd:nonNegativeInteger Maximum number of solutions.

Specify an edge pattern which is not terminal, but a link between objects.

Class: Link

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
subject NodeValue A URI or variable which is the source or subject of the graph edge.
predicate NodeValue A URI or variable which is the edge-label or predicate of the graph edge.
object NodeValue A URI or variable which is the target or object of the graph edge.
graph xsd:string An optional graph (either 'instance' or 'schema')


Lowercase a string.

Class: Lower

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
mixed DataValue The mixed case string.
uppser undefined The lower case string.


Generate or test every element of a list.

Class: Member

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
member DataValue The element to test for membership or to supply as generated.
list DataValue The list of elements against which to generate or test.


Subtract two numbers.

Class: Minus

Super class: ArithmeticExpression


Property Range Desc
left ArithmeticExpression First operand of minus.
right ArithmeticExpression Second operand of minus.


A named parametric query which names a specific query for later retrieval and re-use and allows the specification of bindings for a specific set of variables in the query.

Class: NamedParametricQuery


Property Range Desc
name xsd:string The name of the NamedParametricQuery to be retrieved.
parameters xsd:string Variable name list for auxilliary bindings.
query Query The query AST as WOQL JSON.


A named query names a specific query for later retrieval and re-use.

Class: NamedQuery


Property Range Desc
name xsd:string The name of the NamedQuery to be retrieved
query Query The query AST as WOQL JSON


A variable or node. It is a subdocument

Class: NodeValue


Property Range Desc
node xsd:string A URI representing a resource.
variable xsd:string A variable.


The negation of a query. Provides no solution bindings, but will succeed if its sub-query fails.

Class: Not

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
query Query The query which must not hold.


Obtains exactly one solution from a query. Simliar to a limit of 1.

Class: Once

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
query Query The query from which to obtain a solution.


A query which will succeed (without bindings) even in the case of failure.

Class: Optional

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
query Query The query to run.


A disjunction of queries any of which can provide a solution.

Class: Or

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
or Query List of queries which may hold.


Description pending.

Class: Order


Orders query results according to an ordering specification.

Class: OrderBy

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
query Query The base query giving the solutions to order.
ordering OrderTemplate A specification of the ordering of solutions.


The order template, consisting of the variable and ordering direction. It is a subdocument

Class: OrderTemplate


Property Range Desc
order Order An enum either 'asc' or 'desc'.
variable xsd:string The variable to order.


Pad a string.

Class: Pad

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
string DataValue The starting string.
char DataValue The padding character.
times DataValue The number of times to repeat the padding character.
result DataValue The result of the padding as a string.


Find a path through the graph according to 'pattern'. This 'pattern' is a regular graph expression which avoids cycles.

Class: Path

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
subject Value The starting node.
pattern PathPattern The pattern which describes how to traverse edges.
object Value The ending node.
path Value An optional list of edges traversed.


A set of patterns in which each of the patterns can result in objects starting from our current subject set.

Class: PathOr

Super class: PathPattern


Property Range Desc
or PathPattern A disjunction of path patterns.


Description pending.

Class: PathPattern


The path pattern specified by 'plus' must hold one or more times in succession.

Class: PathPlus

Super class: PathPattern


Property Range Desc
plus PathPattern A path patterns.


A predicate to traverse.

Class: PathPredicate

Super class: PathPattern


Property Range Desc
predicate xsd:string The predicate to use in the pattern traversal.


A sequence of patterns in which each of the patterns in the list must result in objects which are subjects of the next pattern in the list.

Class: PathSequence

Super class: PathPattern


Property Range Desc
sequence PathPattern A sequence of path patterns.


The path pattern specified by 'star' may hold zero or more times in succession.

Class: PathStar

Super class: PathPattern


Property Range Desc
star PathPattern A path patterns.


The path pattern specified by 'times' may hold 'from' to 'to' times in succession.

Class: PathTimes

Super class: PathPattern


Property Range Desc
star undefined A path patterns.


Add two numbers.

Class: Plus

Super class: ArithmeticExpression


Property Range Desc
left ArithmeticExpression First operand of add.
right ArithmeticExpression Second operand of add.


Description pending.

Class: Put

Super class: Query


An abstract class which represents an arbitrary query AST. It is a subdocument

Class: Query


Description pending.

Class: QueryResource


Generates a key identical to those generated automatically by 'RandomKey' specifications.

Class: RandomKey

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
base DataValue The URI base to the left of the key.
uri NodeValue The resulting URI.


Read a full document from an identifier.

Class: ReadDocument

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
document DataValue Variable which will be bound to the document.
identifier NodeValue The URI of the document to load.


Test a string against a PCRE style regex pattern.

Class: Regexp

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
pattern DataValue The PCRE style pattern.
string DataValue The string to test.
result DataValue An optional result list of matches.


Select specific variables from a query to return.

Class: Select

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
variables xsd:string The variables to select from the query.
query Query The query which will be run prior to selection.


Size of a database in magic units (bytes?).

Class: Size

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
resource xsd:string The resource to obtain the size of.
size DataValue The size.


Description pending.

Class: Source


Split a string.

Class: Split

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
string DataValue The starting string.
pattern DataValue The splitting pattern.
list DataValue The result list of strings.


Start a query at the nth solution specified by 'start'. Allows resumption and paging of queries.

Class: Start

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
query Query The query to perform.
start xsd:nonNegativeInteger The numbered solution to start at.


Finds the boundaries of a substring in a string.

Class: Substring

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
string DataValue The super-string as data or variable.
substring DataValue The super-string as data or variable.
length DataValue The length of the string as an integer or variable.
before DataValue The count of characters before substring as an integer or variable.
after DataValue The count of characters after substring as an integer or variable.


Provides class subsumption (the inheritance model) according to the schema design. True whenver 'child' is a child of 'parent'. Can be used as a generator or a check.

Class: Subsumption

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
child NodeValue The child class as a URI or variable.
parent NodeValue The parent class as a URI or variable


Sum a list of strings.

Class: Sum

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
list DataValue The list of numbers to sum.
result DataValue The result of the sum as a number.


Trims whitespace from 'untrimmed'.

Class: Trim

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
untrimmed DataValue The untrimmed string.
trimmed DataValue The string to be trimmed.


Specify an edge pattern in the graph.

Class: Triple

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
subject NodeValue A URI or variable which is the source or subject of the graph edge.
predicate NodeValue A URI or variable which is the edge-label or predicate of the graph edge.
object Value A URI, datatype or variable which is the target or object of the graph edge.
graph xsd:string An optional graph (either 'instance' or 'schema')


The number of edges in a database.

Class: TripleCount

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
resource xsd:string The resource to obtain the edges from.
count DataValue The count of edges.


The query which is always true.

Class: True

Super class: Query


Casts one type as another if possible.

Class: Typecast

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
value Value The value to cast.
type NodeValue The type to which to cast.
result Value The resulting value after cast.


Update a document in the graph.

Class: UpdateDocument

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
document DataValue The document to update. Must either have an '@id' or have a class specified key.
identifier NodeValue An optional returned identifier specifying the documentation location.


Uppercase a string.

Class: Upper

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
mixed DataValue The mixed case string.
uppser undefined The upper case string.


Select a specific collection for query.

Class: Using

Super class: Query


Property Range Desc
collection xsd:string The resource over which to run the query.
query Query The query which will be run on the selected collection.


A variable, node or data point. It is a subdocument

Class: Value


Property Range Desc
node xsd:string A URI representing a resource.
variable xsd:string A variable.
list Value A list of datavalues
data xsd:anySimpleType An xsd data type value.