Add Documents with the Python Client

After you have imported the terminusdb_client, and created a client, connected to a database, and added a schema, you can then use this client to insert a document that conforms to the schema.

Insert a document

To insert a document, you should use insert_document:

document = { '@type' : 'Person', 'name' : "Jim" }
results = client.insert_document(document)

Insert multiple documents

To insert multiple documents you can also invoke insert_document:

documents = [{ '@type' : 'Person', 'name' : "Jim" },
            { '@type' : 'Person', 'name' : "Jill" }]
results = client.insert_document(document)

Insert schema document(s)

Additionally, you can update the schema itself by adding schema documents:

schema = { '@type' : 'Class', '@id' : 'Person', 'name' : 'xsd:string'}
results = client.insert_document(schema,graph_type="schema")