Documents UI SDK Data Types

The TerminusDB documents user interface generates forms representing the properties or fields of document/s in your schema. For data entry, each field is one of several data types and is mandatory by default. Schema definitions enable the linking of documents and the specification of sets.

Click here to find out how to get started with the Document UI SDK


Take a look at the Document UI SDK Playground to view the <FrameViewier/> demo in Create, edit or view mode.

Data types

Basic data types

The table below lists the basic data types supported and their specifications.

Data type Declaration Example
Boolean "xsd:boolean" "active": "xsd:boolean"
Decimal "xsd:decimal" "age": "xsd:decimal"
Enum "@type: "Enum" "@values": ["red", "blue", "yellow", "green"]
Integer "xsd:integer" "age": "xsd:integer"
Decimal "xsd:decimal" "age": "xsd:decimal"
String "xsd:string" "name": "xsd:string"
Temporal "xsd:dateTime" "DOB": "xsd:dateTime"

Data value optionality

If a property in the Form is displayed with a (Required) tab, that means the property is mandatory & has to be filled in order to submit the form. To define a property as optional, use the "@type": "Optional" declaration meaning the property is optional.

A property can also be defined as an array in the following ways -

"@type": "Set" - property can hold multiple values in an unordered fashion & can be optional

"@type": "List" - property can hold multiple values in an ordered fashion & requires at least one entry

An example of all basic types


The "Enum" data type in the example below specifies the colors a person likes - "@id": "Colors, "Person", "likes". This is rendered as a dropdown menu with the colors specified in the "@values" list.


The "age" of a "Person" is declared "Optional"

let frames =  {
    "@context": {
        "@base": "terminusdb:///data/",
        "@schema": "terminusdb:///schema#",
        "@type": "@context"
    "Person": {
        "@key": {
            "@type": "Random"
        "@type": "Class",
        "DOB": "xsd:dateTime",
        "active": "xsd:boolean",
        "age": {
            "@class": "xsd:decimal",
            "@type": "Optional"
        "name": "xsd:string",
        "likes": {
            "@id": "Colors",
            "@type": "Enum",
            "@values": [

let type = "Person"
let mode = "Create"

return <FrameViewer
    frame = {frames}
    type = {type}
    mode = {mode}/>

Link Properties

Link properties enable links to other document or subdocument classes and are displayed as Select components.

Link Properties Example

The example below demonstrates:

  • The property work_as linked to document class Job
  • The property lives_in linked to a subdocument class Address
let frames = {
   "@context": {
      "@base": "terminusdb:///data/",
      "@schema": "terminusdb:///schema#",
      "@type": "@context"
   "Person": {
        "@key": {
        "@type": "Random"
        "@type": "Class",
        "works_as": "Job", // Link to subdocument Job
        "lives_in": "Address" // Link to subdocument Address
    "Job": {
        "@key": {
        "@type": "Random"
        "@type": "Class",
        "title": "xsd:string"
    "Address": {
        "@key": {
            "@type": "Random"
        "@subdocument": [],
        "@type": "Class",
        "Address Line 1": "xsd:string",
        "Code": "xsd:decimal",
        "Country": "xsd:string"

let type = "Person"
let mode = "Create"

return <FrameViewer
    frame = {frames}
    type = {type}
    mode = {mode}/>

Set properties

A set specifies an unordered set of values of a class or data type.

Set property example

In the example below, the document Person consists of several nicknames - property "nickName" of "@type": "Set". A set consists of zero, one or multiple items.

let frames = {
    "@context": {
        "@base": "terminusdb:///data/",
        "@schema": "terminusdb:///schema#",
        "@type": "@context"
    "Person": {
        "@key": {
            "@type": "Random"
        "@type": "Class",
        "name": "xsd:string",
        "nickName": {
            "@class": "xsd:string",
            "@type": "Set"

let type = "Person"
let mode = "Create"

return <FrameViewer
    frame = {frames}
    type = {type}
    mode = {mode}/>

Document Class Set Example

In the example below, a Person has a property works_as defined as a set that links to the document Job, representing a person with multiple jobs.

let frames = {
    "@context": {
        "@base": "terminusdb:///data/",
        "@schema": "terminusdb:///schema#",
        "@type": "@context"
    "Person": {
        "@key": {
            "@type": "Random"
        "@type": "Class",
        "name": "xsd:string",
        "works_as": {
            "@class": "Job",
            "@type": "Set"
   "Job": {
       "@key": {
          "@type": "Random"
       "@type": "Class",
       "title": "xsd:string"

let type = "Person"
let mode = "Create"

return <FrameViewer
    frame = {frames}
    type = {type}
    mode = {mode}/>

Subdocument Class Set Example

In the example below, a Person has a property lived defined as a set that links to the subdocument Address, representing a person's address history.

let frames = {
    "@context": {
        "@base": "terminusdb:///data/",
        "@schema": "terminusdb:///schema#",
        "@type": "@context"
    "Person": {
        "@key": {
            "@type": "Random"
        "@type": "Class",
        "name": "xsd:string",
        "lived": {
            "@class": {
                "@class": "Address",
                "@subdocument": []
            "@type": "Set"
    "Address": {
        "@key": {
            "@type": "Random"
        "@subdocument": [],
        "@type": "Class",
        "Address Line 1": "xsd:string",
        "Code": "xsd:decimal",
        "Country": "xsd:string"

let type = "Person"
let mode = "Create"

return <FrameViewer
    frame = {frames}
    type = {type}
    mode = {mode}/>

List Properties

A list specifies an ordered collection of values of a class or data type. An ordered collection means values are displayed in the order they are entered in the form.

List property example

In the example below, a Person has two properties, ordered_property (a string data type) and has_task (a subdocument of type "List".)

let frames = {
    "@context": {
        "@base": "terminusdb:///data/",
        "@schema": "terminusdb:///schema#",
        "@type": "@context"
    "Person": {
        "@key": {
        "@type": "Random"
        "@type": "Class",
        "ordered_property": {
            "@class": "xsd:string",
            "@type": "List"
        "has_task": {
            "@class": "Tasks",
            "@type": "List"
    "Tasks": {
        "@key": {
            "@type": "Random"
        "@subdocument": [],
        "@type": "Class",
        "Address Line 1": "xsd:string",
        "Code": "xsd:decimal",
        "Country": "xsd:string"

let type = "Person"
let mode = "Create"

// call FrameViewer
return <FrameViewer
    frame = {frames}
    type = {type}
    mode = {mode}/>

For more information on data types, take a look at the individual types in more details:

Document UI SDK Examples

Document UI SDK Playground - An interactive example of document properties in add, edit, and view modes with example schema and code.

Lego Data Product UI CodeSandbox Example