Knowledge Graph and Data Mesh Metaverse issue 8

Knowledge Graph & Data Mesh Metaverse 8

Hello and welcome to the eighth edition of Knowledge Graph & Data Mesh Metaverse which shares interesting articles about this world. We share a lot of content via our Discord channels, so we thought we’d share the love and provide a regular update on what’s been floating our boats.

Netflix Data Mesh

Following their popular blog talking about how data mesh has helped their studio team, Netflix has followed up with another one. A year has passed and with it lots of learnings. This article is an overview of Netflix’s data mesh system

Data Mesh — A Data Movement and Processing Platform

Assisted Content Management

This article talks about how the next generation of CMS platforms will provide users with assistance when creating content. Using knowledge graphs to utilize reusable modules to build consistent content quickly. 

What the Next Few Years Hold for Enterprise Content Management   

From Knowledge Graphs to Knowledge Portals

This article talks about how knowledge graphs are like a garden and require love and attention to reap the rewards and how without a long-term plan can be left underutilized. It also discusses knowledge portals, essentially publishing applications that use the graph as its data source and sink.

From Knowledge Graphs To Knowledge Portals –  

The Layers of Ikea’s Knowledge Graph

Lead Ontologist at Ikea, Katariina Kari, released this blog on medium talking about the three layers of Ikea’s knowledge graph and how envisioning their knowledge graph on three layers helps them organize their work and communicate its virtues to non-technical stakeholders.

IKEA’s Knowledge Graph and Why It Has Three Layers 

The Semantic Web is Dead, Long Live the Semantic Web

Our CTO, Gavin, wrote this divisive article about the semantic web and where it all went wrong. It got the attention of the RDF standards committee and countless others who came on the attack. Have a read to see if you can relate to some of the problems.

The Semantic Web is Dead – Long Live the Semantic Web!  

Data Mesh – What’s in it for Business? 

Two warning notes, you might need a magnifying glass to read the article, and it was written by a data mesh consultant so biases are guaranteed. The article talks data mesh and uses chief data officer and business perspectives to explain what data mesh can deliver.

Data Mesh: What’s In It For The Business? 

Data Mesh from an Engineering Perspective

Firstly, sorry – we meant to include this a number of months ago, but it got lost. Better late than never though. This web space is dedicated to looking at data mesh from an engineering perspective and looks at everything from federated governance to tech stacks. You can also see what the folks on Hacker News thought of it too.

Data Mesh Architecture 

Graph Database Fundamentals 

We’ll finish with one of our own stories. We recently released a graph database fundamentals blog that covers RDF, property graphs, linked data, and schema languages. If you or your colleagues are looking to understand the basics of graph databases, this is a great place to start. 

Graph Database Fundamentals

Thanks for reading, if you’ve seen or read anything that you think others might like, get in touch via our Discord community and we’ll ensure we shout about it – and give you credit :).

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