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Knowledge Graph & Data Mesh Metaverse - Number 2

Knowledge Graph & Data Mesh Metaverse – Number 2

Hello and welcome to the second edition of Knowledge Graph & Data Mesh Metaverse. There has been a lot of interesting articles in the last month around data mesh and knowledge graphs and we’ve summarized the ones that caught our eye below. From Netflix to NASA, there’s a lot of good stuff happening in this space. As a side note, for future editions, we’re adding Web3 and NFT to our interest list, so make sure you sign up to our newsletter to stay in the know. In the meantime, here’s the latest edition…

Netflix data mesh glitz and glamour

As Netflix ramp up their production capabilities via their own studio, the data associated with pitches, production and the many phases of content production is required across the business to ensure a smooth operation. This blog post from Netflix superbly details their journey to data mesh via several iterations of data movement.

Data Movement in Netflix Studio via Data Mesh | by Netflix Technology Blog 

A deep dive into treating data as a product

Xavier Gumara Rigol, who works for Adevinta, has kindly written a blog talking about his and the organization’s move to treat data as a product. It’s a great read and provides details of their logical and physical implementation as well as a domain team data product example.

Treating data as a product at Adevinta 

Unleash data mesh one data product at a time

One exciting thing to happen in recent times is the public beta launch of TerminusX. TerminusX is a self-serve data platform to build, execute, monitor and share versioned data products (which can be done in 90 seconds). It versions both data and schema and combines the power of knowledge graphs with the simplicity of documents. If you’re interested in having a play, then sign up for the public beta. 

TerminusX Public Beta

A data mesh encyclopedia

Our very own Gavin Mendel-Gleason is in the process of putting together a data mesh compendium. It’s still under construction, but nevertheless features useful insights into data mesh, from the current problems with data management to the philosophy of data mesh.

Github data mesh management

Governance the secret sauce of data innovation

Seb B, co-founder and CEO at Mesh-AI, recently posted this article on the importance of federated governance in relation to data mesh. He emphasises the need to find the right balance of decentralized data sources and central governance, and how the right approach enables massive scaling as well as many other benefits.

Why Federated Data Governance Is the Secret Sauce of Data Innovation

Monolithic v Data Mesh

This article, written by Abraham Enyo-one Musa, is a nice breakdown of the limitations of a monolithic architecture and the benefits of data mesh. It also goes into some detail about when data mesh might not be right for an organization.

Data Management Architectures — Monolithic Data Architectures vs Distributed Data Mesh

Has the data lake run its course?

Szymon Klarman writes an interesting article focusing on the next generation of data architecture. It considers the limitations and evolution of data lakes and also highlights the importance of knowledge graph and a semantic metadata layer within the data mesh paradigm.

The rise of the Data Fabric – Has the data lake run its course?

The future is big graphs

This article has a lot of contributors, too many to mention here. It looks at how graphs can leverage the interconnected nature of data to explore, predict, and explain real and digital world happenings. Researchers, professors and experts give their view on the future of graphs and how they may shape complex and diverse data ecosystems.

The Future Is Big Graphs: A Community View on Graph Processing Systems

NASA’s got (knowledge) talent

VentureBeat interviewed NASA’s acting branch chief of people analytics and senior data scientist (a large business card is needed for that title), David Meza, to talk about how they are using a knowledge graph to map their talent pool to show relationships between people, skills, and projects.

How NASA is using knowledge graphs to find talent

Databases will win on superior developer experience

Not strictly metaverse related, but still, this article focuses on the importance of developer experience, which is extremely important to us at TerminusDB, and how experience will shape the next era of databases.

NoneSQL, All the DevEx

Thanks for reading, if you’ve seen or read anything that you think others might like, get in touch via our Discord community and we’ll ensure we shout about it – and give you credit :).

Why Knowledge Graph & Data Mesh Metaverse?

Glad you asked. Firstly, Metaverse sounds cool and immediately makes us think of a team of data superheroes, plus it’s a trendy word at the minute. Secondly, knowledge graph is close to our hearts, it’s what we build, a document orientated knowledge graph merging the best of document stores and knowledge graphs to be precise, plus we’re part of some amazing knowledge graph communities. Last, but by no means least, we believe that data mesh can provide organizations with the ability to make data easier, less resource intensive, and faster for data consumers to access. By keeping data with domain teams, where the knowledge is, data products will provide more accuracy, security, and flexibility to make businesses more agile and responsive to their customer needs. Maybe we are all data superheroes.

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