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Knowledge Graph and Data Mesh Metaverse Number 7

Knowledge Graph & Data Mesh Metaverse 7

Hello and welcome to the seventh edition of Knowledge Graph & Data Mesh Metaverse which shares interesting articles about this world. We share a lot of content via our Discord channels so thought we’d share the love and provide a regular update as to what’s been floating our boats.

Why graphs are the future heart of data

Capgemini’s Steve Jones wrote this article on his Medium blog looking at why Graphs are the future heart of data. Starting from an SQL perspective, the article looks at purpose vs relationships and finishes looking at data mesh and the role graphs will play here..

Why graphs are the future heart of data  

Is an ontology better than a relational data model?

Our community member, Donny Winston, wrote this excellent blog comparing ontology to relational data models and how the rule of least power can mitigate risks. 

Is an ontology ‘better’ than a relational data model?   

Blank nodes in RDF

This is one of our blogs and it is from a conversation on our community Discord channel. Our member, Somethingelseentirely write this excellent piece about getting around the issue of blank nodes in RDF. Blank nodes have long been an underrecognized problem in RDF with practitioners apparently comfortable with solving graph isomorphism on the fly over and over again.

Getting around the issue of blank nodes in RDF 

The polyglot data mesh

Google’s Luis Velasco talks about the importance of data consumption from domain and central IT perspectives and focuses on how data mesh is one solution to the diverging needs of the two groups. The article doesn’t go into too much detail about data mesh, instead focusing on presenting an ‘opinionated’ technology architecture that implements polyglot data patterns running in Google Cloud using as many open source components as possible.

Dissecting the data mesh technical platform: Exposing polyglot data 

ABN AMRO’s data mesh platform and architecture

This video gives you an idea for how to implement a data mesh architecture and provides some of the pitfalls for you to learn from and avoid. Dutch banking giant, ABN AMRO, started on their decentralized data journey before data mesh was even a thing, this presentation from senior architect, Rakesh Singh, covers the four-year journey.

Getting off to the right start with data mesh 

Prominent data mesh expert, Thoughtworks, has written this four-part guide to lay out what it takes to successfully apply the principles of Data Mesh in a large corporate environment. Drawing from a number of implementations, the articles go over everything from people, processes, and technology to impart some of their experiences to those look to embark on a data mesh project.

Data Mesh in practice: Getting off to the right start

Treating content as data

Ashleigh Faith guests on the Content Strategy Insights Podcast to talk about how knowledge graph technology can help content programs aid content discoverability, discover valuable insights, and build transparent personalization programs to build brand loyalty and foster customer trust.

Ashleigh Faith: Knowledge Graphs for Content

Public cloud infrastructure 

Our co-founder Luke Feeney recently wrote this interesting piece for the Irish Independent looking at how Europe can compete with the likes of AWS, Google, and Microsoft to foster innovation and entrepreneurialism whilst maintaining data security for European organizations. 

Amid concerns over data security, it’s time Europe built cloud services as a public utility  

Thanks for reading, if you’ve seen or read anything that you think others might like, get in touch via our Discord community and we’ll ensure we shout about it – and give you credit :).

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