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Knowledge Graph & Data Mesh Metaverse

Knowledge Graph & Data Mesh Metaverse 5

Hello and welcome to the fifth edition of Knowledge Graph & Data Mesh Metaverse which shares interesting articles about this world. We share a lot of content via our Discord channels so thought we’d share the love and provide a regular update as to what’s been floating our boats.

Has SQL gone too far?

We’re regular readers of Benn Stancil’s Substack and this is a great article. He’s obviously been a diehard SQL advocate for many a year, but lays out the limitations SQL has for dealing with business models. Business models aren’t relational models, so he explores some different ways to think about business models and ML with a more semantic thought process.

Has SQL gone too far?

Is the modern data warehouse broken?

Head of Data at Convoy, Chad Sanderson, has contributed an article on Monte Carlo’s blog and it’s a good one. He talks about the issues with the modern data warehouse and looks at the  (divisive) potential solution. An immutable data warehouse. He talks about the importance of semantics, data contracts, and pre-modeling data before it is piped into the warehouse, as well as some of the challenges of this approach.

An immutable data warehouse

An open-source knowledge graph to help build climate resilience for those who need it 

We’ve built a critical asset management system for the Commonwealth of Dominica to help them identify and map their critical assets and the relationships between them to help them plan for and respond to hurricanes and other extreme weather events. The open-source project aims to expand to help others susceptible to the effects of climate change. We’re looking for assistance in the project so if you’re interested read more.

Open-source knowledge graph for climate resilience

Banking data mesh scenario from Microsoft

Microsoft is egging in on Data Mesh and has written a data mesh scenario for the fictitious Woodgrove Bank. Obviously, this article is laced with Microsoft products but gives some nice examples of potential infrastructures needed to free the data of the bank.

Woodgrove bank data mesh scenario 

Data mesh from a data analyst and scientist perspective

This article from Starburst focuses on data mesh from a data analyst and data scientist perspective. With much talk about data mesh focusing on the bigger picture, the videos in this post give more specific insights into how this approach can help those who have, arguably, suffered most from centralized data dumps.

What Data Mesh Means for Data Analysts and Data Scientists 

Eliminate humans or use them more intelligently 

This article from Venture Beat uses a car manufacturing example, where US and European counterparts both have similar data stored in different databases that they want to combine to improve operations. It examines how this might be achieved with data fabric and data mesh.

Data mesh vs. data fabric: Eliminate humans or use them more intelligently 

Data governance in data mesh case study

One of the big objections to data mesh is the worry of anarchy. Data governance is a fundamental part of data mesh and many have struggled to answer how to implement federated data governance across domains. This Saxo Bank case study details the methodology for how it approached this complex problem.

Data Governance in Data Mesh Infrastructures: the Saxo Bank Case Study 

Content producers turning to knowledge graphs

Knowledge graphs are experiencing growth in demand and an area where this is taking off is content. Publishers and content producers are in a competitive field and having a better understanding of their customers is essential. This article looks at the role knowledge graphs play in publishing.

What are the benefits of better knowledge management for content engagement and reach? 

Thanks for reading, if you’ve seen or read anything that you think others might like, get in touch via our Discord community and we’ll ensure we shout about it – and give you credit :).

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