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Knowledge Graph & Data Mesh Metaverse Issue 10

Knowledge Graph & Data Mesh Metaverse 10

It’s not the atomic number of Neon, it’s not the percentage of left-handed people in the world, it’s issue 10 of Knowledge Graph & Data Mesh Metaverse. In it, we share interesting articles about this world. We share a lot of content via our Discord channels, so we thought we’d share the love and provide a regular update on what’s been floating our boats.

Semantic Knowledge Graphs and Enterprise Data Fabric

Boris Shalumov wrote this article looking at the importance of semantic knowledge graphs when building an enterprise data fabric. Comparing alternative technologies, Boris looks at how graph technology can outperform document stores, RDBMS, and other alternatives, to capture knowledge across the enterprise to derive insights.

Why Semantic Knowledge Graphs are the only way to build an Enterprise Data Fabric

Ontology Development Methodologies

A new member of our Discord community was seeking advice about getting a better handle on ontologies. A fellow community member came to the rescue with a list of development methodologies to help. Here’s the list that could be handy for some of our readers: Ontology Development 101 – Noy and McGuinness, TOVE – Grüninger, Fox, Kim, Skeletal (Enterprise Model) Methodology – Uschold and King, Methontology – Gómez-Péres et al, IDEF5 – Menzel et al, ONIONS – Gangemi et al, NeOn Methodology – Suárez-Figueroa et al.

Using RDF with GraphQL in TerminusDB

Gavin wrote this tutorial/blog showing how you can search RDF with GraphQL in TerminusDB. With a Star Wars dataset, Gavin creates a schema for the Star Warts Turtle file, loads the schema and data into the database, and then queries it using the GraphQL interface.

GraphQL RDF Bridge using Star Wars Dataset in TerminusDB

Mo Data Mo Problems

It’s not a Biggie song, but an article focused on the supply chain, the influx of IoT data, and how fixing your data architecture is the only way to gain any semblance of meaning from it. Some of the details are a bit vague, but the story nicely talks about some of the pain in the supply chain.

Supply chain disruption: Why IoT is failing to join the dots

Legal Knowledge Graphs

LegalTech has grown in prominence in recent years. Traditional firms have technologically dragged their feet, fearing the unknown and, more so, fearing moving away from the billable hour.  They are now being forced to change, due in part to greater customer buying savviness and tech disruptors. This story is one such disrupter, using AI and a legal knowledge graph to reduce legal cost barriers for consumers and SMEs.

Legaltech startup Lawhive lands €2 million to make legal services more accessible and equitable

People are Harder than Technology

Eric Broda proposes an operating model for a data product team and introduces all of the elements of an operating model. Changing the behaviors of teams and individuals can be challenging, more so than introducing new technologies, this article breaks down the considerations to build teams that are streamlined to successfully deliver data mesh.

An Operating Model for Data Products

Federated Data Governance

This article focuses on the federated data governance principle of data mesh and how it’s the ‘secret sauce’ to data mesh. It details the basics of data governance and why it is so important for highly autonomous, locally available data products with interoperability guardrails for high degrees of collaboration between teams

Data Mesh 101: Why Federated Data Governance Is the Secret Sauce of Data Innovation

The United Nations Trust Graph

Nis Jespersen takes a look at closer look at the United Nations Trust Graph. Earlier in the year, the UN/CEFACT eDATA project published a white paper on the adoption of Verifiable Credentials for Cross Border Trade. This article focuses on the concept of Trust Graphs raised in the whitepaper.

The United Nations Trust Graph

Thanks for reading, if you’ve seen or read anything that you think others might like, get in touch via our Discord community and we’ll ensure we shout about it – and give you credit :).

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