TerminusDB achieves SOC 2 Compliance

TerminusDB achieves SOC 2 Compliance

Big news at TerminusDB Towers, we’ve achieved SOC 2 compliance! Yes, Sreya and Robin who undertook countless hours of work to achieve this are now hollow husks of humanity, but let us not focus on the fallen, let us celebrate the moment and honor those who paved the way to SOC 2 compliance.

SO2 compliance audit

What is SOC 2 we hear you ask?

SOC 2 compliance requirements

It’s all for you. Because we love you.

The brainchild of the American Institute of CPAs, SOC 2 defines criteria for managing customer data based on five trust principles – security, availability, confidentiality, processing integrity, and privacy. If you want a further breakdown of these principles, you can find them here.

What TerminusDB’s SOC 2 compliance means to you

The SOC 2 compliance certification is the most widely recognized method for sharing independently reviewed information about a service organization’s internal controls. The accreditation means that TerminusDB and TerminusX meet or exceed the levels of security required for service providers storing customer data in the cloud.

Of course, we have always taken data security and privacy very seriously, we are a database company, after all. Having SOC 2 certification lets us demonstrate to new and existing Terminators that we take these matters seriously.

I am proud that TerminusDB has achieved SOC 2 compliance certification for our data toolkits. We are particularly pleased with the hard work of our team, working to tight deadlines, who made the whirlwind of a compliance audit for our cloud service TerminusX, seem like a breeze.

Luke Feeney CEO TerminusDB

Luke Feeney COO


TerminusDB is committed to employing security best practices. Cybersecurity has become a top priority for executives in all industries. By earning SOC 2 compliance for TerminusDB and TerminusX, we are demonstrating to our customers how seriously we take security and availability. Maintaining the highest levels of security and compliance is always at the forefront of our minds when building and maintaining our solutions.

Gavin Mendel Gleeson CTO at TerminusDB

Gavin Mendel-Gleeson CTO


Finally, we’d be grateful if you can send your best wishes to Sreya and Robin to help them recuperate from compiling masses of information required for SOC 2 and managing the whole audit process.